set feedback off set lines 155 break on report compute sum of WRITEPCT on report compute sum of READPCT on report compute sum of IOPCT on report select * from ( SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME , sum(PHYRDS) as PHYRDS , sum(PHYWRTS) as PHYWRTS , sum(PHYBLKRD) as PHYBLKRD , sum(PHYBLKWRT) as PHYBLKWRT , sum(READPCT) as READPCT , sum(WRITEPCT) as WRITEPCT , sum(IOPCT) as IOPCT FROM ( SELECT as tablespace_name , fs.PHYRDS , fs.PHYWRTS , fs.PHYBLKRD , fs.PHYBLKWRT , 100 * ratio_to_report(fs.PHYBLKRD) over () as readpct , 100 * ratio_to_report(fs.PHYBLKWRT) over () as writepct , 100 * ratio_to_report(fs.PHYBLKRD+fs.PHYBLKWRT) over () as iopct FROM V$FILESTAT fs, V$DATAFILE df, v$tablespace ts, dba_tablespaces dt WHERE fs.file# = df.file# AND df.ts# = ts.ts# AND dt.tablespace_name = ) GROUP BY tablespace_name ORDER BY iopct desc ) where rownum < 11 ;